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Student Health

School Health Requirements

All students are required by Ohio law to have current health information and emergency telephone numbers on file where the parent/guardian(s) can be reached during the school day.  At the beginning of each academic year, or with any changes, it is the parents/guardians responsibility to log onto FinalForms and update their child's important health and contact information.  
School nurses support students by focusing attention on students’ physical health and wellness. Nurses in each building administer medications, manage student medical alerts, care for sick or injured students, and perform vision and hearing screenings. 
Our school nurses, both Valley View employees and our contracted nurses, manage the operations of school health clinics in each building. Health-related forms are available below, and the nurses will answer any questions you may have.

Medical Forms

Health Information

Handwashing Tips

Please remember and remind students that frequent handwashing can help slow the spread of many communicable diseases.

CDC Handwashing Guide

Guidelines for Keeping Children Home from School

Deciding when to keep your child home from school can be difficult. When a child is sick and needs to stay at home, parents should contact the school attendance line and describe the illness and symptoms. It is important for the health of all students, staff, and families that your child is not at school when sick. The timing of the absence is often important in order to decrease the spread of disease to others, and to prevent your child from acquiring any other illness while his/her resistance is lowered. The following guidelines represent the more common childhood illnesses.

Chicken Pox
Chicken pox is a skin rash consisting of small blisters which leaves scabs. A slight fever may or may not be present. There may be blisters and scabs all present at the same time. Your child should remain home until all blisters have scabbed over, usually 5-7 days after the appearance of the first crop of blisters. 

Common Cold
Irritated throat, watery discharge from the nose and eyes, sneezing, chilliness and general body discomfort. Your child should remain home if symptoms are serious enough to interfere with your child’s ability to learn. Medical care should be obtained if symptoms persist beyond 7-10 days, fever develops, or nasal discharge becomes yellow or green. 

If your child’s temperature is 100° or greater (or 1 or 2 degrees above the child’s normal temperature) he/she should remain home until he/she has been without fever for a full 24 hours. Remember fever is a symptom indicating the presence of an illness. 

Abrupt onset of fever, chills, headache and sore muscles. Runny nose, sore throat, and cough are common. Your child should remain home from school until symptoms are gone and the child is without fever for 24 hours. 

Head Lice
Lice are small grayish-tan, wingless insects that lay eggs called nits. Nits are firmly attached to the hair shafts, close to the scalp. Nits are much easier to see and detect than lice. They are small white specks which are usually found at the nape of the neck and behind the ears. Following lice infestations, your child may return to school after receiving treatment with a pediculicide shampoo, nits have been removed, and your clinic nurse has been contacted. 

Blister-like lesions which later develop into crusted pus-like sores. Your child should remain home from school until receiving 24 hours of antibiotic therapy and sores are no longer draining.

If your child complains or if behavior indicates that he/she is experiencing persistent pain, he/she should be evaluated by a physician before he/she is sent to school. 

Redness and swelling of the membranes of the eye with burning or itching, matter coming from either eye, or crusts on the eyelids. Your child should remain home from school until receiving 24 hours of antibiotic therapy and discharge from the eyes has stopped. Spread of infection can be minimized by keeping the hands away from the face, using good hand washing practices, using individual washcloths and towels, and NOT touching any part of the eyes with the tip of the medication applicator while administrating the antibiotic ointment.

Skin Rashes
Skin rashes of unknown origin should be evaluated by a physician before your child is sent to school. 

Strep Throat
Strep throat may begin with fever, sore and red throat, pus spots on the back of the throat, tender swollen glands of the neck. High fever, nausea and vomiting may also occur. Your child should remain home from school until receiving a full 24 hours of antibiotic therapy and until without fever or vomiting for 24 hours. Most physicians will advise rest at home 1-2 days after a strep infection. 

Antibiotics ordered for strep infections are to be taken for 10 days or until all medication is gone. Only when these directions are followed correctly is the strep germ completely eliminated from the body, no matter how well the child feels after the first few days of receiving medication.

Vomiting and Diarrhea (Intestinal Viral Infections) 
Symptoms can include stomachache, cramping, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea, possible fever, headache, and body aches. Your child should remain at home until there is no vomiting, diarrhea or fever for a full 24 hours. If your child has had any of these symptoms during the night, he/she should not be sent to school the following day. 


Stay home if you're sick!

Please keep your child home if they have any symptoms of flu or other illness, which could include congestion, runny nose, sore throat, headache, cough, fever or chills,  shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, loss of taste or smell, nausea or vomiting, and/or diarrhea.

Our school nurses also shared that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends keeping children home from school for the following reasons:

  • A temperature of 100.4 degrees or above is generally recognized as a fever. Whether or not the student should attend with a temperature less than 100.4 degrees should include the student’s overall health status and other symptoms. Students must be fever-free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school.
  • They cannot participate comfortably in activities and/or pose a significant risk to themselves or others.
  • Their condition results in a need for care that is greater than staff members can provide without compromising the health and safety of other students.
  • They pose a risk of spreading harmful disease to others.
  • Some illnesses/injuries may justify exclusion from school until cleared by a healthcare provider (e.g. a student returning to school after surgery).

Return to School

When a person can return to school depends on the nature of the illness. In general, a child returning to school should be well enough to participate in school (e.g., can adequately manage improving cough and congestion on their own, not overly fatigued), and care of the returning child should not interfere with the school staff’s ability to teach or care for other students. Students and staff returning to school following an illness may still be contagious, but are likely to be less contagious as symptoms improve, depending on factors like duration and severity of illness. Parents and caregivers should consult their child’s healthcare providers with specific questions about their child’s condition or recovery.

For the general symptoms described in the stay at home when sick section of this guidance, policies can allow return to the school setting when:

  • The child has not had a fever (and is not using fever-reducing medicine) for at least 24 hours.
  • Fever with a new rash has been evaluated by a healthcare provider and fever has resolved.
  • Uncovered skin sores are crusting, and the child is under treatment from a provider.
  • Your child should remain at home until there is no vomiting, diarrhea, or fever for a full 24 hours. 
  • Diarrhea has improved, the child is no longer having accidents or is having bowel movements no more than 2 above normal per 24-hour period for the child. Bloody diarrhea should be evaluated by a healthcare provider before return.
  • Respiratory virus symptoms are improving overall for at least 24 hours. Students and staff returning after a respiratory illness can consider additional actions to reduce spread.

State and local health departments may have additional guidance for staying home when sick and return to school considerations for some illnesses; schools should refer to those policies, in addition to this guidance. There may be instances when schools adjust illness exclusion procedures due to community disease spread (e.g., during an outbreak or pandemic or a time of excessive absences due to respiratory or gastrointestinal illness). Schools can describe these instances in their emergency operations plan (EOP) as part of a layered approach to preventing disease spread. Schools can also work in coordination with health departments and school health advisory teams to develop these plans.

Schools can establish policies and practices that support having students and staff stay home when sick and ensure that employees and families are aware of and understand these policies. In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, schools could:

  • Allow flexible, non-punitive paid sick leave policies and practices for staff.
  • Set policies to accommodate individuals who are sick and avoid incentivizing coming to school or work while sick.
  • Support children who are learning at home because they are sick.

Schools should carefully consider requirements for families to obtain notes from a healthcare provider for illness-related absences. Many common childhood illnesses can be managed at home. Visits made only to obtain a provider note can create undue burden on families and the healthcare system (e.g., caregivers might need to take additional time off from work or pay additional co-pays for these visits). Such requirements can disproportionately impact vulnerable populations and discourage illness-related absence.